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7 Most Beautiful Beaches in IndonesiaOur country as a beloved country that has many beautiful beaches and interesting place to visit. in fact it is not only local visitors, tourists mancanegarapun really liked the beach in Indonesia, and they chose to visit Indonesia just to enjoy the beauty of the coast of Indonesia. following we summarize seven most beautiful beach in Indonesia:
1.Pantai Senggigi, LombokSenggini coast beach is quite famous in the area of ​​Lombok. It is located on the west coast of the island of Lombok. The beach offers beautiful underwater scenery, and tourists can do as much snorkeling as the waves are quite friendly

For the tourists do not worry shore stopping this, because there are already hotels are quite affordable for those who have the budget barely fit hehehe


The charm of the stunning coral reefs
Hotels and Resto affordable
2.Pantai Kuta, BaliKuta Beach is a tourist place located south of Denpasar, capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located in Badung. This area is a tourist destination abroad, and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 1970s.

Kuta Beach is often referred to as sunset beach (sunset beach) as opposed to the Sanur beach. In Kuta there are many shops, restaurants and places baths and drying herself.

Panorama Sunset
Waves for surving
Easy access to the city
Hotels, Resto and Bar in coastal
3.Pantai PlengkungThe beach is called Plengkun because the curved shape (Plengkung) at the southeastern coast of Java Plengkung had fantastic waves. No wonder that many tourists who come to this place.

High waves make this beach stretching into the surfing paradise. Unfortunately, to achieve this location had taken the sea route from Banyuwangi and Bali. For if by road through the park pedestal should Purwo with a steep access road. Make sure your vehicle is a 4WD series.

Sunset view
Nature is still natural
Turtle landings on the east.

4.Pantai Beautiful, PangandaranBeautiful Pangandaran Beach is a beach located on the south coast. According to the Asia Rooms, the best beach on the island of Java is on the beach attractions of West Java.

This beach is located in the village Pananjung, District Pangandaran, a distance of approximately 92 km south of the town of Ciamis. the beach is much in demand by local and foreign tourists, so it can be used as an alternative beach your destination.

Sunset and Sunrise
Clear water gently sloping beach
White sand.
Good road access
Marine park contains marine life
Parai 5.Pantai mackerel, Pacific IslandsParai Beach offers the charm of beach tourism mackerel family. The beach is located in the area Matras, Sungailiat, Pacific Islands is often used as a tourist attraction and is famous for its granite rocks of various sizes.

Outbound Facility
6.Pantai Parangtritis, YogyakartaParangtritis is a form of tourism where the coast of the Indian Ocean, located approximately 25 kilometers south of the city is quite well known travel Yogyakarta.Obyek in Yogyakarta, in addition to other objects such as Samas beach, Baron, Kukup Krakal and Glagah Beach.

Parangtritis has a unique landscape that is not found in other attractions. When suro's (Muhharam months) this place is much visited for ritual.

The charm of the South sea waves
Shoreline that extends from east to west
Food and affordable lodging
7.Pantai Pameungpeuk, Garut West JavaPameungpeuk beaches located in the southern part of West Java town of Garut, there are shore of the outer islands of Indonesia, namely Santolo Island. This island is very interesting to visit because of the natural resources shore there is really amaze the tourists.Pros:

The charm of the sea waves reaching almost 5meter Santolo
There are outer island Indonesia
The innkeepers were very affordable, and the friendliness of the residents


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Sunset, beach,mediatation and peace

one story every week well, i dont know if someone gonna read this, but i just want to say something for my blog.#livesgoal so now i'm gonna tell u about my experience. last week i want to be more productive than a week before, so i start looking at some activities to do. i start with sport, actually i really wanna know about basket ball, i wish i can play basket ball, but i dont really know how to play this thing. sooo i start looking the new one. and thats it. i found another activity that's really interesting. its called meditation. i start to do this kind of thing.  you know it is even so easy to do. you just need to take a breath. and thats it. dont do anything. just peace. as addiction you can play a music thats fit with that. maybe meditation music ?. first, i just feel so funny. its just breath. what the hell ? i cant hold my laugh. this is just so funny. but the next day, i tried to do that again. and i feel peace. its just like u can feel yourself.

A joke

  My Goal for the Future If u ask me this, I got a lot of things. Kayanya aku bakal mulai perjalanan dan buka usaha atau coba kerja sama dengan orangtuaku yang sangat sulit dibicarakan tapi pengen buka usaha makanan dirumah. Dan tadi waktu ku baca diaryku umur 25 tahun ternyata aku mau buat karya sebanyak banyaknya dan umur 30 aku mau bisa berguna lagi dan buka panti asuhan anak kecil dan bayi terlantar, kayak di bali Namanya mama dan Megha aku nonton di kick andy and I really think that is a good idea. Dan mungkin aku bisa pindah dan tinggal di bali dan memulai kehidupan impianku, jujur sekarang aku lagi berfikir tiap harinya what is my passion. Walaupun aku sedang mencoba banyak hal tapi satu yang kutahu aku senang buat karya, dan sama seperti menulis di blog selama 30 hari ini, aku semangat menjalaninya karena ada kalian yang baca. Tapi untuk sekarang kurasa aku masih mau jadi diriku sendiri seperti hari ini,gak terlalu peduli dengan apa yang dibilang orang, dan mencoba apa


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